I try to live a simple life. But it just doesn't happen that way. I have two accidents that I have to go court for. And Jury duty coming up real soon. Not to mention the DMV and the complicated way I have to register. Throw in my and sons B-days. And
Callify revenge....too many guys doing dumb guy stuff
Published on April 30, 2005 By Only the good die young In Welcome
I moved in here when it was brand new. Promises were made and broken. The cost of living has not at all kept up with income. We had no paid utilities-all free! Excellent maintenance. A warm outdoor pool (might have been smarter to build it in doors). We do have fog most of the year. A nice little gym,sauna,workout room, Jacuzzi and even a fully equipped kitchen for our use. For pool parties and if we wanted to rent for private functions. Fireplace. There was a "family" album. My son at holiday parties. it was a nice community. Then.
on Apr 30, 2005
I was writing about how this little corporate rental complex that is planned to be the megalopolex for transient renters of the future. Where we are is situated over the San Francisco bay and overlooking the ocean. Sounds pretty huh? Well it can be. But like I said mostly foggy. And just recently we had a funnel cloud touch down-I think the call them tornado's. It was official since that was a first so close to S, F. we had to have scientist check to make sure. It was spawned just on this path. We are the closet point between the ocean and the bay. And every thing passes this way East. So of course that would too. Everyone was a buzz about it. Since this area is my "home town" I don't have much experience with tornado's. Nor weather of much extremes. So I learned that the sudden winds and hail followed by silence was pretty common. At the time I was on my way out with a friend to comparison shop for her a new PC. We were totally oblivious. Didn't even let the power outage bother us. Nor the road blocks...."must have been some kind of storm related thing". We even went to a restaurant and a few hrs later when we got home found out we were in the middle of it. The official report wasn't until 24 hrs later. That just shows you how real local react to what might be cause for hysteria some places. We have had countless earthquakes, Grass fires that go on for miles. Brown out-caused by greed just like the gas price gouging that always hits us the hardest. And the repercussions of our way to Open door policy. I will get to some of these latter. I am concentrating on the ridge and the plans for over development of it. It could happen where you live. I thought it was as bad as it could get I was wrong.